Update company invoice

The isDefault, reference and email fields of a company invoice can be updated.
In order to do that, call the updateCompanyInvoice function, providing the updated CompanyInvoiceUpdateData.

Update a payment method

updateCompanyInvoiceA CompanyInvoiceUpdateData object
receiveOnThe dispatch queue used when invoking the result callback handler. Defaults to main.
onResultResult callback handler.
Please note
SveaWalletClient is deprecated in version 3.1.0. Use new class SveaAppWallet instead.
SveaAppWalletSveaWalletClient (deprecated)
let invoiceUpdateData = CompanyInvoiceUpdateData(
    alias: "invoice identifier",
    email: "updated email",
    reference: "some reference",
    isDefault: false

SveaAppWallet.shared.updateCompanyInvoice(companyInvoiceUpdateData: invoiceUpdateData) { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let paymentMethod):
        print("Company invoice successfully updated!")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Company invoice could not be updated, got error \(error)")
let invoiceUpdateData = CompanyInvoiceUpdateData(
    alias: "invoice identifier",
    email: "updated email",
    reference: "some reference",
    isDefault: false

SveaWalletClient.shared.updateCompanyInvoice(companyInvoiceUpdateData: invoiceUpdateData) { [weak self] result in
    switch result {
    case .onSuccess(let paymentMethod):
        print("Company invoice successfully updated!")
    case .onFailure(let error):
        print("Company invoice could not be updated, got error \(error)")


Returned when the company invoice is successfully updated.


Returned when an error occurs. If this happens, the company invoice has not been updated.

Possible errors

case noUserTokenProvided           // A user token has not been provided.
case invalidEmailAddress           // The email is not valid.
case failedToUpdateCompanyInvoice  // Company invoice could not be updated.
case unknownError                  // An unknown error occurred.