Getting started with Android SDK

Android version

The Svea App Wallet SDK can be included in projects built with Android API 19 and above.

Adding the Svea App Wallet SDK as a dependency

All published versions of the Svea App Wallet SDK for Android is available on our Maven Server.

In order to fetch the dependency add our server to the repository list.

repositories {
	maven {
		url ''

The library is now available and can be fetched as a regular dependency.

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.svea:wallet:wallet-version'

R8 minification

Svea App Wallet SDK for Android does not currently support minification through R8.
If you are using R8 and proguard in your app you need to add the following to your proguard file.

-keep class com.svea.wallet.**  { *; }

Coroutines vs Callbacks

From version 2.3.0 the Svea Wallet Api functions are available to call both with coroutines and callback pattern.
The Callback interfaces and coroutine return classes both have Success And Failure.
Success contain relevant information if applicable and Failures contain WalletError's.